Shipment fees 2025
Find below Vetro Editions list of international shipping fees.
Our shipping fees are based on the current DHL price list for shipments from Germany. Our fees are organised in 5 Zones, and each of them in 6 different tariffs based on weight. Total weight is calculated according to the sum of the weight of the products contained in the shipment + packaging weight, label and documents contained, approximated to the unit above.
A copy of Meridian by Matt DesLauriers to the United States of America:
the weight of the book is 1,36kg + packaging 0,15kg + labels and documents 0,09 kg = total 1,6kg - the tariff corresponding is for 2kg.
USA is in Zone5.
The package fee is Z5-2 (Zone 5 - 2 kilograms) = 44,11€
Two copy of Meridian by Matt DesLauriers to the United States of America:
the weight of two copies of the book is 1,36kg x 2 = 2,72 kg + packaging 0,15kg + labels and documents 0,09 kg = total 2,96 kg - the tariff corresponding is for 3kg.
USA is in Zone5.
The package fee is Z5-3 (Zone 5 - 3 kilograms) = 50,11€
We are aware that shipment to certain countries incur in high costs for the customer, our apologies: we are working on finding better logistic solutions.
At the moment shipments to Israel and Russia are suspended for technical reasons.